The Priestess Path
Bahar Shakti
The Priestess path started for me in 2018 when I started exploring the possibilities after having various mystical experiences in Glastonbury and reading Lars Muhls book the O manuscript as well as attending his workshop. Prior to this I attended Sophie Bashford’s workshop about the wounded feminine and I had a mystical experience with an Australian Shaman in Hong Kong. There have been a number of experiences over my life but these were the most recent. I started listening to Stellar’s music the ‘Magdalene Codes’ and some of her other albums like ‘Archeia’ which connects to the Divine Feminine as well and as I got to know her I joined her Priestess group. Prior to this I was drawn to Avalon a lot and considered attending a Priestess-hood there, some of them very glamorous looking on the outside , but something wasn’t quite fitting there and I know now what that is.
Stellar’s group was different to the many other priestess path groups in that whilst they all are similarly teaching about the divine feminine and bringing this back in similar ways and connecting to the earth, Stellar’s group was the only group I ever came across that really spoke about reclaiming sovereignty. At that time there were not many people talking about sovereignty or even appreciating how important it was, only the ones of us who had experienced very distinct brushes with ‘the other side’ knew how important this was. Those who had lost their children through the dysfunctional system, witnessed their children being damaged by vaccines, been gaslighted to the maximum by dysfunctional family dynamics and seen the patriarchy for all its capabilities and power were drawn to Stellar’s group because they had frankly had enough lessons in this and wanted out.
Initially we started in the Blue Rose temple reclaiming sovereignty before God and Goddess in various sacred sites. I did this in Mount Fuji in Japan. I definitely noticed a change in the energy and of course I had also been on this spiritual path for many years and broken many many patterns already. But things started to shift more, and in 2019 I was guided to specific series on Netflix to show me the strength of the Vatican and it’s far reach. I also noticed specific areas of London that had very strange energy. The Pearl of Isis training continued and we worked further on our disconnection from the matrix and reconnection to self.
Then followed the Mystery School of the Rose with the New Magdalene Codex where we really started to reclaim sovereignty in a much more tangible way and rescind spiritual equity, and understand what this meant. We started to understand the 144 qualities of love and what that meant to embody those in our everyday lives and walking the new timeline of Divine love. How to open up the DNA more to receive higher octaves of light and how to really set boundaries with energies and entities that were not in alignment with what we wanted to be and co-create for the New Earth. This also involved healing the sisterhood wound which is huge for so many of us who have been in sisterhoods in previous lives where there was infiltration. Clearing the masculine and feminine distortions and releasing more limiting beliefs and shame from the times when we have been forced to do things we did not want to, or used in undesirable ways as all seers, and oracles were.
We always go through the Stargate ancient gateway of the heart to connect to Source-Mother -Father God and receive our answers. We also continuously clear the pineal gland so that we can connect to Source better and work with the light body system and a multi dimensional awareness. We observe and rescind false light teachings. There are plenty of those out there and plenty of false light teachers too as we are being made aware.
Consciousness is transforming and evolving in the New Earth timeline :
From lack consciousness to Abundance Consciousness
From Lust consciousness to Sacred Union Consciousness
From Fear Consciousness to Unconditional Love Consciousness
From Separation or Duality Consciousness to Peace Consciousness
From Entitlement Consciousness to Humility Consciousness
There is enough of everything for everyone if we live in symbiosis and harmony with nature and not against it. This is part of the great plan of deception to make people believe they are guilty and that they are responsible for changes in the environment and climate. Yes we are responsible for our own thoughts and actions and we may balance those and continue to release what does not serve us, but there are more than enough resources on the planet for everyone if we are allowed to live the way nature intended. Heart led living and unconditional love transforms your reality instantly. It dissolves all conflicts , it the sacred balm. It does not however mean being a doormat.
One of the best known examples of this is Yeshua Ben Josef or Jesus. He was capable of overturning tables angrily when he saw injustice in the temple, but also loved all unconditionally. Mary Magdalene walked alongside him as a wise woman and galactic wisdom keeper working with the energies of the elementals , respecting them. Their voices are now being shared again through the many women and men who are called to walk the Magdalene path, the priestess and priest path of love. This is the way of the Essenes, the way of the Cathars, the way of the Druids , the way of the Yogis, the way of the Temples of Solomon, the way of love. Obviously because this way was so simple and so pure, it was not profitable and therefore it was distorted and in many ways destroyed time and time again. Yet it survives, because love always does.
The Rose mysteries also involve the many teachings of the blue rose of the highest form of kundalini to transform the planet. This is the Solar Melchizedek/Magdalene path long known in Atlantis and Lemuria as well as on Venus. Many beings remember being in this order around Greece in the temple of Aphrodite. All things that connect to Venus such as dance, music, healing, prophesy are part of this lineage.
The Red rose connects to the Rosa Mystic and the Mother energy, which protects all the children on earth.
The White rose represents the elder energy of the Goddess collective . It is the wise woman who has seen children, grandchildren and holds all the goddess codes of creation.
We also explore the 7 gates of the womb and honouring and healing the yoni which has been purposely abused in order to cap those first 3 chakras so that humanity could not ascend. Various technologies are used to assist the healing of this. Various aspects of childbirth, sacred union and the womb have all been abused and treated as sinful in order to keep humanity at a certain level. This goes against Christ Consciousness which is the power of love . Relationships have been imbalanced with the masculine / feminine distortions in order to create co-depencies and stop ascended relationships. By balancing these polarities within ourselves we are then a match for a balanced sacred union.
If you have spent lifetimes anchoring the balance between the divine feminine and masculine in different ways , you know who you are. You know you are called . This is the lifetime where it all comes together and all those gifts , all those lessons come together to anchor in the new timeline of sovereignty. You have prepared enough and now it is time to lead, especially for the Divine Feminine as Mother, Sister and Daughter of the Goddess.
I will conclude with the Rosa Mystica Invocation
Invocation for personal and planetary transformation
I Call forth the Codes of Light carried by the sisterhood of the Rose,
Raise the Grail Cup of Remembrance,
Honor the Rose as the transmitter of the frequency of Love,
Anoint your heart with the Rosa Mystica holy oil,
Re-awaken the Magdalene within,
Restore and Reclaim your vows to walk as Love.
You are welcome to connect with me if you are interested to learn more about this .
Blue Rose