Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing sessions are an evolved intuitive process, developed from different cutting edge healing modalities, using the highest frequencies available today. This is combined with Inner child and Soul Healing, to address any blockages the person is experiencing which stem from the past. This is always working for the highest good of every individual involved, guided by the higher self.
“I really want to thank Bahar. She facilitated for me and my daughter. My daughter was self-harming for years and going through tough times at school. After the sessions she no longer self-harms, she has better self-esteem and is no longer fazed by bullies at school. She feels good in her self and is starting to take better care of her self. She no longer gets stomach aches or headaches and is drinking more water. I was also upset because of her and then had my own issues going on with rashes on my body, and stress and nervousness about my business. I am feeling better in myself too, no more rashes anywhere on the body and starting to build the confidence to start my business. I am really grateful and feel lucky to have had these sessions for my family, who is now functioning better than before.”
B.M. London.
"I have a stone since the session and have less pain in my foot. My knee and SI joint pain has gone altogether. I am more relaxed."
Gwendy Morrison. London
“I felt as though I was being lifted up by angels, with white, shimmering light during the session. I felt energetic changes happening during the session, and my stomach rumbled. Denseness lifted and vitality returned like a charged battery. The headache I had prior to the session left. The worries I had also left. Lymphatics improved and PTSD which I had for years was lifted. I feel more confident in dealing with the trauma and fear of the past and forgiving what had happened. I really enjoyed this session.”
P.C. London
“I realised that my infatuation with a man wasn’t healthy for me and that I had a part to play in falling over and feeling like a victim. I stopped giving my power away to him and started to be accountable for my behaviour after I was coached by Bahar. I put down firmer boundaries and realised I was expecting this other person to fulfil me when it was something I needed to do for myself. I also recognised that this person was controlling and not good for me and was ready to finally let him go after several years of allowing him to control me.”
S.L. London
“My voice has always been hoarse ever since I was born and it started with the birth process. After the session I felt the pressure on my throat physically lift and less hoarseness. I have seen synchronicities that have reminded me that changes are taking place and starting to discover my gifts and trust myself and my ability to express myself better.”
V.N. London
“Aside from my leg pain being gone, I am less angry and irritated by life. I feel calmer and more relaxed. I am starting to become aware of my gifts and appreciate them like I didn’t before. I feel more in touch with my emotions now. and better connection to myself.”
K.N. London